What is keto coffee? Surprising benefits of keto coffee
What is keto coffee? Surprising benefits of keto coffee
What is keto coffee ? Keto coffee is a caffeine free version of the normal coffee we have on a daily basis. This coffee is made with alternative sources of caffeine such as a blend of black, medium roast, and light roast beans. This coffee is high in net carbs and is therefore more difficult to digest.
Can you drink keto coffee without counting the carbs ?
It is very easy to calculate the net carbs in keto coffee as well as the net carbs in the natural coffee you make at home. Simply count the net carbs in the coffee you are making as well as in the coffee that is being made at the coffee shop.
Some coffee shops let you know how many net carbs they have added as well as the net carbs in the natural coffee. So you can go and calculate those as well.
What is the carb count of keto coffee ?
Keto coffee has a carb count of 21 grams for 1 cup.
That is the amount of net carbs that will be in the cup of coffee as well as the cup of tea you are having.
It is much more than the carbs in a cup of instant coffee and although not the amount of carbs in regular coffee it is a lot higher than most coffee drinks on the market.
Do you need to count the carbs in the coffee you are making at home?
This depends on the type of coffee you are making. If you are making an espresso drink that will have an added amount of coffee in it. In this case you would need to count the carbs that you are adding.
Making low-carb food does not mean that you are a “low-carb food militant”. You can enjoy your food just as much as you can enjoy your old food.
What is one of the health benefits of keto coffee?
The amount of caffeine in keto coffee is very low and very low in comparison to the amount of caffeine in coffee, tea and other drinks you make at home or go out for a cup of coffee.
This means that you won’t get as much caffeine jitters as you do if you drink regular coffee and tea and more importantly the blood sugar levels will be very low.
Here is the result of your blood sugar levels after drinking two cups of keto coffee :
While you could get this result from drinking only one cup of regular coffee or tea.
The blood sugar levels will go much lower than it would normally have done and much lower than the blood sugar levels of drinking a cup of instant coffee.
Caffeine has a low shelf life and keto coffee can be enjoyed every day from morning till evening without getting a caffeine headache or experiencing other effects of caffeine.
You may also have some fun with this drink. It is very possible that you will drink two or even three cups of keto coffee on the daily and you will get ketosis much faster than if you have not been drinking your coffee.
What is the carb count of tea or coffee at your local coffee shop?
The carb counts for tea and coffee are always on the low side compared to other drinks. So there is no real problem when you drink tea or coffee at a coffee shop.Tea and coffee usually do not have a lot of carbs in them and you can’t add them to a keto coffee.If you drink tea at a coffee shop you may well have a little less carbs in your tea than the coffee you make at home.
Can I mix tea or coffee with keto coffee to have a keto coffee version of a latte or cappuccino ?
It is very easy to do this with tea or coffee.All you need to do is add more tea or coffee to the amount you are having.
For example, if you are having a cup of coffee that has 2 grams of carbs you can simply add 1 gram of tea or coffee to this amount.
This will give you the same amount of carbs in a cup of tea or coffee. This can be a lot more tasty too.
Can I make keto coffee at home ?
Yes you can make a cup of keto coffee at home at your very own coffee machine.
However you can make the same coffee with Keto coffee and espresso blend by adding this to your normal blend of coffee.
By doing this you will get the same amount of net carbs, the same amount of caffeine and the same amount of flavoring as you would with any other coffee drink on the market.
It is not as tasty as your keto coffee made at home but it will do the job.
You will just have to live without your own sweetener for the latte or cappuccino version of a keto coffee.
Why does the carb count of keto coffee go down when you make it at home?
This is a trick that the coffee shops and the coffee shops in big cities around the world play on the people that they serve.
By lowering the carb count of your coffee and also by making your milk too low they can make more money on you.
This is because when you order a cup of coffee at your local coffee shop it is usually only about 100 grams of net carbs.
However, if you make the coffee at home you will get more than double the amount of net carbs in your coffee because it doesn’t have any artificial flavoring added.
By adding more tea or coffee to your own keto coffee you will make the net carb count of your coffee go down because the net carb count has to add up to the same amount of carbs as the other stuff you drink in your coffee.
When you make your own keto coffee at home the net carbs of your coffee will be more than double the net carbs of a cup of normal coffee.
So you may not actually get twice as much net carbs as you would with regular coffee.
A tea is also very low carb, a coffee may have more carbs and a milk may have more carbs.
But by making your own keto coffee at home you can keep the carbs low and still enjoy your favorite hot drink.
You can do this by making the coffee at home or you can do it by just ordering your normal cup of coffee with no milk or sweetener added.
That will get you about the same amount of net carbs that you would get ordering your normal coffee.
Many people have problems when they drink keto coffee and a lot of people feel this is an undesirable side effect.
It may happen because they are on a low carb diet and they have not had a proper high carb meal or because they are taking diuretics.
But the main reason is because they don’t follow the correct proportions for keto coffee.
How do I make keto coffee correctly ?
Here is a very simple guide on how to make keto coffee at home and what ratio to use for making keto coffee.
- Add 2 gals of Ketone to 3 cups of boiling water.
- This will give you 3 to 4 grams of net carbs per cup of keto coffee.
- Sip the keto coffee through a straw.
- If you have a straw that is the best way to drink keto coffee.
- Add 1 Tbsp of sugar (you can use a raw sugar cane sugar as this is sweet enough.
- You could also use MCT sugar which is just refined coconut sugar)
- Mince some almonds, either raw almonds or chopped raw almonds.
- Mix these into the keto coffee you are making.
- This will give you a nice crunchy texture to the keto coffee.
- Allow to cool.
If you want your coffee to be hotter then you can put it into the freezer for 5 minutes.
If you want it cooler then just leave it in a thermos.
Now, many people will have to make adjustments with these proportions when they make keto coffee at home.
If you are using a blender, then you have to make sure your cup size is the same size as the blender container.
If you are using a coffee machine then you have to adjust the amount of espresso in your machine because it needs to be proportionate to the amount of coffee and hot water that you use in your machine.
Also, as a rule of thumb, you will have to use about half as much coffee powder per cup as you will use when you make keto coffee in a coffee machine or blender.
This is because your coffee powder needs to soak up the ketone solution that you are adding to your coffee and also because coffee powder contains carbs.
So it is better to make more coffee in your coffee machine and then add more coffee powder to make more keto coffee than you would if you added more espresso.
You can use a jar of almond butter in place of the almond milk.
This will give you a lovely crunchy texture to your keto coffee as it is a good substitute for the almond milk.
A nice variation is to use a spoonful of peanut butter in your keto coffee.
Adding this will give you an even crunchy texture that you would find in a proper coffee but it is also slightly higher in carbs.
However, this is a completely optional element to your keto coffee.
If you want to add it but you want your keto coffee to taste really good, then you can leave it out.